Paracore is a dual cure glass reinforced radiopaque composite.

- Available as Paracore and Paracore SLOW.
- 3 shades – Dentin, white and transluscent.
- 5 ml automix syringe
- 25 ml cartridge for mixing gun.
- Paracore provides an unique advantage as it can be used for Post cementation, core build up and also for crown cementation.
- The use of Paracore in both cementation of post, followed by core build up, provides a ‘monoblock effect’, which increases the strength of the restoration.
- Paracore SLOW provides a working time of 60 seconds at room temperature of 37°C. This is usually beneficial while building up a large restoration.
- It is thixotropic in nature and can hence be used in a free hand manner to build up the core.
- It needs to be refrigerated at 5°C.
- Even with a extended working time of 60 seconds using Paracore SLOW, may not be adequate time to free hand build up a core in certain large restorations.
Instructions on how to use Paracore
The intro kit of 5ml syringe comes with 2 syringes each of Transluscent and Dentine shade, Parabond non-rinse conditioner and adhesive A+B.

- First, non-rinse conditioner is applied using the brush provided on all surfaces including in the prepared post space for 30 seconds.
- Dry the canal with a paper point and the tooth surface with compressed air for 2 seconds.
- Take Adhesive A & B in the provided mixing tray in equal proportion of 1:1. Apply in the prepared post space and tooth surfaces for 30 seconds.
- Dry the canal with a paper point and the tooth surface with compressed air for 2 seconds.
- The automix syringe can be inserted directly into the prepared post space and restorative material injected using the super fine mixing tip. The fibre post can be coated with Paracore and inserted into the prepared post space. The post should be held in place and light cured for 20 seconds.
- Now the super fine tip can be cut in the middle to increase the flow of material and the core build up free hand incrementally. This is cured for 20 seconds.
- Curing time for Paracore SLOW is >200 seconds (not including the working time), when it sets by self cure.
- In case you are unable to complete the core build up in time, change the mixing tip to complete the procedure.
My review of Paracore
I have used Paracore SLOW to cement fiber posts and build up the core for years now. Having a single material to do both is highly convenient. Not only does it save time, it also saves material and hence inventory.
It is a composite material and you will have to isolate the tooth properly. If you can achieve isolation, Paracore will provide a predictable long term result for fiber post and core build up.
The conditioner and the adhesives available with Paracore doesn’t require to be light cured. This is a BIG advantage, as curing the bonding agent can at times block the prepared canal and hence the fibre post might not go till the apex.
It can be used for cementation of crowns. I hardly use it for that as I am not a fan of glass reinforced composite for cementation of crowns.
One important point to remember is avoid a eugenol based sealer for obturation when you have planned a fiber post cementation with composite cement as it can interfere with the setting reaction of resin cement. Better to go with a resin based sealer.