Ketac Molar is a glass ionomer restorative material from 3M ESPE. This product is not globally available in all countries.
![Ketac molar powder and liquid](
- Contents:
- Powder 15 gm
- Liquid 7.8 mL
- Handmix
- Ketac Molar is also available in APLICAP (automix) version.
Indicated for:
- Posterior single surface restorations.
- Core build up.
- Deciduous teeth restorations.
- Lining below composite restorations.
- Posterior cervical restorations (unaesthetic areas).
- Temporary restorations.
- Early fissure sealants.
- Fluoride releasing – They release fluorides over a period up to 2 years thereby preventing secondary caries. Ketac Molar has reduced solubility as compared to other glass ionomer cement, thereby reducing the total amount of fluoride released though. The fluoride level in the restoration gets replenished, if the person uses fluoridated toothpaste, mouthwash etc.
- It can be used as bulk fill, specially under crowns.
- Good compressive strength – 210 ± 13 MPa. Cannot be used where contact points of occluding teeth are only on Ketac molar restoration. At least one contact point should be on natural tooth.
- High abrasion resistance – 0.0004 microns
- Good flexural strength – 37 ± 6 MPa. Hence, can be used in Class V situations.
- Good surface hardness – 420 ± 82 MPa.
- Self adhesive – Ketac molar shows good adhesion directly to enamel & dentin (1.2 MPa), but use of dentin conditioners like 25% polyacrylic solution for 10-60 seconds can improve the dentin adhesion to 3.0 MPa.
- Good packability.
- Unesthetic – Whitish in appearance and doesn’t match with tooth shade.
- Cannot be used in Class II situations.
- Requires minimal thickness of 0.5mm to withstand fracture.
Direction for use:
- Prepare the cavity, isolate and apply pulp protection if indicated.
- The cavity can be conditioned using a suitable dentin conditioner such as the Ketac conditioner for 10 seconds.
- Do not over dry the cavity as it may lead to post-operative sensitivity.
Working time | 2 minutes |
Setting time | 4:30 minutes |
- If working time is exceeded, adhesion to the tooth is reduced.
- Setting time is accelerated at temperatures above 23°C.
- Any finishing should be done only after final set (4:30 minutes).
Review of Ketac Molar
Ketac Molar (3M) is a product well know to every student of dentistry. With advent of composites, it’s use has certainly reduced. Even then it maintains a fan following, which the 3M company has nurtured by coming out with automix versions to stay updated with times.
Of all the indicated uses, I currently use it only for select deciduous restorations and as a bulk fill core build up material under a crown.
The handling of handmix version is easy to learn and teach to your assistants. With an adequate setting time of 4.30 minutes, working time is just enough to complete the procedure and fast enough to adjust and finish the restoration immediately. This is an advantage specially when using it as a core material before proceeding with tooth preparation for a crown in the same sitting.
Though it can be used for Class V restorations, it is highly unesthetic (white in colour), so a regular type II GIC is better recommendation.
Ketac Molar provides an unique solution where Glass Ionomer is preferred choice for the clinician. Though limited in use, it still holds its place in the dental office.
Kindly leave your feedback or questions about Ketac Molar in the comments below.